Our Network
The Squirrel
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Squirrel' books.
The Lion
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Lion' books.
AWF African Wildlife Foundation
Born Free Foundation
DSWF David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
WCN Wildlife Conservation Network
Wildlife ACT
WWF World Wildlife Fund
The Duck
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Duck' books.
ARC Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust
Barn Owl Trust
BBKA British Beekeepers Association
BCT Bat Conservation Trust
BTO British Trust of Ornithology
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Butterfly Conservation
Canal & River Trust
Freshwater Habitats Trust
Give Bees a Chance
Honeybee Conservancy
IWA Inland Waterways Association
IWAI Inland Waterways Association Ireland
PTES People's Trust for Endangered Species
RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
The Owls Trust
The Rivers Trust
UK Butterflies
Welsh Kite Trust
West Wales Rivers Trust
The Monkey
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Monkey' books.
AWF African Wildlife Foundation
Born Free Foundation
DSWF David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Fauna & Flora International
Wales Ape & Monkey Sanctuary
WCN Wildlife Conservation Network
Wild Futures
WWF World Wildlife Fund
The Kingfisher
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Kingfisher' books.
BCT Bat Conservation Trust
BTO British Trust of Ornithology
Freshwater Habitats Trust
IWA Inland Waterways Association
IWAI Inland Waterways Association Ireland
RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
The Giraffe
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Giraffe' books.
AWF African Wildlife Foundation
Born Free Foundation
GCF Giraffe Conservation Foundation
GRCT Giraffe Research & Conservation Trust
WCN Wildlife Conservation Network
The Crocodile
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Crocodile' books.
Crocodiles of the World Foundation
Fauna & Flora International
PTES People's Trust for Endangered Species
The Jester
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Jester' books.
ARC Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
BBKA British Beekeepers Association
BHPS British Hedgehog Preservation Society
BTO British Trust of Ornithology
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Butterfly Conservation
Give Bees a Chance
Honeybee Conservancy
PTES People's Trust for Endangered Species
The Elephant
Below is a list of charities that benefit from 'The Elephant' books.
AWF African Wildlife Foundation
Born Free Foundation
DSWF David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Elephant Crisis Fund
Elephant Family
Elephants and Bees Project
Fauna & Flora International
IEF International Elephant Foundation
Save the Elephants
WCN Wildlife Conservation Network
Wildlife ACT
WWF World Wildlife Fund
Archimedes Earth
Calibre Audio Library
Deafinitely Theatre
Forest Holidays
Forest Schools
Forestry and Land Scotland
Forestry Commission, Forestry England, Forest Research
Institute for Outdoor Learning
Living Paintings
​Living Rainforest
Love Reading
National Literacy Trust
National Trust
National Trust for Ireland
National Trust for Scotland
Natural Resouces Wales
RHS Royal Horticultural Society
Rhythms of Play
RNIB Royal National Institute ffor Blind People
RZSS Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
Scottish Forestry
Soil Association
SfS Society for Storytelling
Storytelling Schools
The Children's Literacy Charity
The Heart of England Forest
The Mammal Society
The Story Museum
The Tree Council
Tree Council of Ireland
TSL Trust for Sustainable Living
Woodland Heritage
Woodland Trust
WWF World Wildlife Fund